Monday, October 12, 2009

Here's my booth at the Ithaca Farmers' Market. We've
been selling at Market since 1979 and it's still fun!
My favorite Market activities are morning booth set up with 
my fellow vendors and visiting with my great customers.
Then again, the food is amazing, too.

This weekend was fall at its best.

This is what my van looks like at the end of a day at Market! 
There's barely room for me to steer with all the goodies I 
get from fellow vendors. Yum!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

It just doesn't get any better than this!
We've been doing our spring cleaning and 
came across a bunch of 70's vintage Silk Oak
photos. It's been such a trip down memory 
lane, we decided to let everyone join in the 
fun. We just set up a Silk Oak Flickr group, 
so get out those photos and show us what 
you've got! 

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day!

Chiara says Hooray for Earth Day!

Our urban garden is right outside the studio.
Time to make something with lots of chives.

Everyday is Earth day! Right here in the 
center of little old Ithaca, the peach tree 
decided to blossom today, despite cold
temperatures and mostly cloudy weather.
It must be spring.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


   The apricot tree outside the studio 
is in full tilt bloom and the bees
couldn't be happier.

     Here's my "Little Shop of Horrors" tulip.

        More apricot blossoms. Very cheerful from 
         inside the studio. Later in the summer when
     the squirrels descend on the apricots and 
          decimate the fruit, the view is more chaotic.
Nothing says spring like Chiara in her 
periwinkle polka dot dress. So here's 
to spring and our new blog!