Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Settling In

It's been a few months since we opened the new store,
Ithacamade, but it's just starting to feel like we're settling
in. It was so hectic during the Market season that it all
seemed to go by in a blur.
Winter is the time to regroup, clean up the mess that
accumulates at a dizzying pace as the year draws to a
close and find some quiet space to create new work for
the coming season.

I can't help but think that the super
case of entropy that set in this year had something to do
with closing the little store at the height of the Market
season and opening the new one without ever dealing
with all the stuff that got cast off in the move. Still, it feels
daunting. Here are some before pictures. I'll post some after
as we make more progress.