Given the fast pace of life during the spring, summer and fall,
winter is a time to regroup, create new work and be inspired.
With Farmers' Market only 5 weeks away (!), spring is on my mind.

There are other harbingers of spring: last week's weather in the 60's,
the rosemary plant that has sprouted some hidden
morning glories from last summer outdoors

and the oleander and fig tree waking up.

Still, the view from my bed yesterday morning was awe inspiring,
enough to make me temporarily put spring fever out of my mind
and feel gratitude just to be right where I was.

No need to rush things. I'll have my morning tea
in my favorite Bill Davis Pottery mug, read my book
and let the inspiration warm me.
What's inspiring you today?
I'm inspired by the beautiful state of your indoor rosemary plant! Love the smiling sunshine mug, too. And all the tee shirts in your header are great! So glad I discovered you via SouleMama. :)